In professional sports, the anchorage to victory is paved with common-liners and giant egos.
Everyone knows that sports, ~ the agency of their very nature, have to subsist competitive.
As important as it is to obtain the physical edge in a sporting termination, it is equally important and beneficial to get the mental edge against your adversary. When it is you vs. them, zero will stop the competitive mind from spewing conceited rants and/or demoralizing insults.
From Terrell Owens to Shaquille O’Neal to Hulk Hogan to John McEnroe, professional sports are filled with some of the shortest fuses, put down tempers and biggest mouths around.
Nowhere is religious to these kings and queens of talking small quantity. Whether it’s been for the time of a heated game, in a embrace closely conference after everything settles down or in elevation of event that hasn’t smooth happened yet, athletes are prone to outbursts of crazy waste matter talk.
Take a look at more of the craziest trash-talking moments to the end of time caught on camera.
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